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Sacred Numbers and other stories

and other stories

In any practice that involves self improvement, there is always an element of repetition. The use of an element and its repetition, a given number of times, is specific to cultures and traditions. The 108 names of Krishna, the 72 hoors of Jannat, or the 64 yoginis of tantra, are but a few examples. The numbers themselves are complex derivations based on observations of natural phenomena, while the motifs are simple symbolic representations of abstract thought. This collection showcases a few such motifs and their recurrence in specific numbers. The works are all paper collages, using recycled magazines/catalogues etc. The paper is hand cut and meticulously assembled together- the process being fairly simple and yet painstakingly laborious. The challenge of the medium is to transform the ‘found’ colours, textures and shapes into a totally different visual experience as the pieces come together to create a new, unique expression


Roohan Segel

Roohan Segel

Roohan Segel

Roohan Segel

Roohan Segel

Roohan Segel

Roohan Segel

Roohan Segel

Roohan Segel

Roohan Segel

Roohan Segel

Roohan Segel

Roohan Segel

Roohan Segel

Roohan Segel

Roohan Segel

Roohan Segel

Roohan Segel

Roohan Segel

Roohan Segel has done her Bachelors in Fine Arts from the College of Art, Chandigarh.
She has worked in the field of design and art for the last 30 years with varied experience in product design, sourcing, graphic design, working with craftsmen, curating art and teaching. Currently, she is Visiting Faculty at the School of Planning and Architecture, Delhi and also works with Gallerie Ganesha, New Delhi. Besides doing art/museum walks, she also conducts art and creativity workshops for children/art students and passionately believes in the power of creativity, inherent in everyone, as a means to overcome the pressures of modern day living.